Articles for 2013

Neurodiversity – Diagram showing how dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD(H)D and Asperger’s Syndrome overlap

This is one of the most popular posts to my Facebook page so have posted it here too. This diagram  is a useful tool to show people what it might mean to be dyslexic or dyspraxic and shows the different areas that can affect someone with a neuro-diverse profile. It also helps us to answer […]

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Problem-solving in everyday life

Unison magazine have just contacted me to see if I am available for a photograph this week. Problem –  I really need my hair cut. Solution – arrange for the photo to be taken on the seafront as it is certain to be windswept so any hairstyle will count for nothing….or maybe a hat – I […]

Tinted lenses recommended by students provided by DSA

A reminder to access all the resources in your Needs Assessment via Disabled Student Allowances Two students have recently visited this optometrist to be assessed and were  provided with tinted lenses partly funded by Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA). This provision is often overlooked by students with many never arranging an assessment even though it is […]