A cartoon of a plant with a thinking bubble of drop of water on the left hand side and a clock on the right hand side.


Plant Nanny helps you stay hydrated by giving you a plant friend to look after, watering them as you drink throughout your day. I find it extremely difficult to remember to drink, and was constantly tired and dehydrated until I gave plant nanny a go. You input your weight, age and activity level to see how much water you need in a day, and use customisable or premade cups to water your plant every time you finish drinking. Game changer for anyone who finds it hard to stay hydrated.

A screenshot of a phone. There is a cartoon of a sky and a small cactus at the bottom of the screen with a signpost stating 5M next to it. Below are little icons of a house, star with a green ! on it, big blue water droplet in the middle, a graph and then a silhouette with a green ! on it.
A screenshot of a phone. At the top left hand side is the heading insights. Below are bubbles. The first one says "Save your hydration history!" with log in below. Underneath is a cartoon of a person walking of a blue background with near the bottom on the left says 10% 240/2311ml. Under this is a week view calendar with Wednesday highlighted at a small bit of blue at the top of the circle. Below are little icons of a house, star with a green ! on it, big blue water droplet in the middle, a graph and then a silhouette with a green ! on it.
A screenshot of a phone. A heading of serving size is at the top. Below are icons firstly of a blue water droplet with default cup and 24ml then small pink glass labelled small, green cup labelled as medium and lastly yellow mug labelled as large.
A screenshot of a phone. At the tip it says "Awesome! Here's your goal!" to the right-hand side of this is a cartoon sunflower with a glass of water in it's leaf hand. In the centre of the screen it says 10 cups 2,310ml. Underneath to the lefthand side is a cartoon hand with a glass of water.

These screenshots show the various ways that the data you input into the app are recorded, how to record the data and how it looks when you achieve your water goal.

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