Hi! I’m Charlotte, and as a neurodivergent person, I rely a lot on my phone to keep me organised. Using apps and alarms helps me to maintain habits I struggle to do by myself, and having them has allowed me a higher level of independence and organisation that I would struggle to achieve without resources like this. I’ve put together a list of my five favourite apps I use to make my life just a little bit easier, maybe you’ll find something that helps you too!


A rounded diamond logo made up of four speech bubble type shapes with light blue at the top followed by purple, light green and bright green on a black background.


Moodflow is the best diary app I’ve used. It lets you log as much or as little as you want with full control over the details of your entries. The simplicity of selecting different icons to represent my feelings from the day and activities I did helps me to reflect on the day without even having to write anything if I don’t feel up to it. Seeing how I felt each day during my week/month at a glance represented by colours helps me to notice recurring patterns in what I do, who I talk to and how it makes me feel. It’s incredibly reassuring to be able to password restrict your diary, and keep things private, and much more accessible for me than writing in a physical diary especially if you get pain in your hands or just find writing difficult like I do.

A screenshot of a phone. The date 11/10/2023 at the top. Then a smiling face rating system of 5 faces from very unhappy to very happy face. Then bubbles listed. Emotions, journal, photos, social interactions and symptoms
A screenshot of a phone. A screenshot of a phone. The date 11/10/2023 at the top. Then a smiley face rating of yellow sidewise smile face. Then the emotions tab expanded. Sections of positive and energised, positive and calm, negative and calm and negative and energised. Some of the emotions listed are amazed, cheerful, happy, lively, calm, carefree, comfortable, proud, relaxed, afraid, angry, annoyed, nervous, overwhelmed.
A screenshot of a phone. A screenshot of a phone. A screenshot of a phone. The date 11/10/2023 at the top. Then photos bubble not expanded. Then the activities tab expanded. Some of the activities include home, college, travel, date, party, family, me time, friends, workout, cleaning, leisure, supermarket, shopping, reading, music, tv, gaming. These activities are customisable.
A screenshot of a calendar. January 2023 and February 2023 dates are circled with different colour relating to the smiley face mood rating system.
A screenshot of a phone. Headings of general, correlation and symptoms at the top and below January 2023 in a bubble. Below this is a graph with peaks and troughs relating to the mood rating system. Below this is a rating spread of a pie chart comprising of the colours relating to the mood rating system and a breakdown of the percentages of the various moods. The colours are yellow, orange, red, dark green and light green.

These screenshots show how you add your mood, activities etc for each day and also the different overview of the analytics to show how you have recorded your mood each day and allow you to see any trends that contribute to how you are feeling.

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