Resource for nursing and healthcare students

Great Ways to learn Anatomy and Physiology by Charmaine McKissock

Charmaine McKissock cards example from Great ways to study A and PReceived these postcards  through the post today. This book is highly rated by the team at Diverse-Learners and they should know as the team consists of a staff nurse, midwife and lecturer on the BSc nursing course (study skills module).
It is part of the Palgrave Study Skills range – a great range in itself – and I love the simple format, clear layout, great font and accessible language. Anyone who has had a support session with me will know how much I rate Palgrave’s Study guides and suggest them as a reference tool to support the learning in sessions.

This book has bright, simple diagrams, flow diagrams and mind maps that  show body systems and drug calculations in a very accessible way. There are diagrams to label and crosswords to complete making it interactive and multisensory so suitable for all types of learners.
It is so accessible it almost does not feel like learning and a nursing students we support has blogged about it

The author, Charmaine McKissock  is in the process of producing a second edition so let us know what else you need in it for your A and P exam or healthcare course, what concepts you have difficulty with and any changes you would like to see and why.
We will pass them on to Charmaine.


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