Question – making it easier to contact us?

When creating the Diverse-Learners website Jim (one of Diverse Learners Assistive Technology trainers) and I wanted to build our website with accessibility functions. This was so the website would function with software and settings people use to make reading from the internet easier. We have even made a mobile phone version of the website so it can be read clearly on phones. In March we had BrowseAloud installed so the website can be read aloud.

Now we want to make it as easy as possible for people to contact us.
We want to choose things that people need, want and will use.

We are thinking of adding a voice mail button to the website – so rather than send an email you can record your request / question.

Do you like the idea of send a voice mail via the website?

Would you be more / less likely to make contact with a company that has that service?

Has anyone tried the a send voice mail on a website via their computer or phone? Was the experience easy? successful?

Thanks for your time.

You can reply here, Direct message me via Fb or Twitter (@DiverseLearners) or email me

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